Saturday, May 23, 2009

It was like being in a walk-in closet!

So, today, my sister went for an appointment with the bridal palace to choose her outfits for her wedding album photoshoot.

My mum, my aunt, my cousin, and I tagged along with my sister and her fiancee to France Taipei Bridal Palace for the fitting. It was, literally, like a walk-in closet, complete with a mini-runway! So cool!

There were many dresses and gowns to choose from.. and this is just for the photoshoot! OMG!

Well, here they are; the photos I promised :D

Your pick?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Get excited for tomorrow

Tomorrow will be special, cos tomorrow my sister's going for her fitting.

That's trying on dozens of dresses and/or outfits for the wedding...


Thursday, May 7, 2009

SNEAK PEEK: Wedding Service Booklet

Sorry for the looooong period of non-updates. 

So, to make up for that, here's a sneak peek at the wedding service booklet. It's pretty rough, without any colours, very simple. Obviously, it's gonna look fab on wedding day. You know my sister...